Sunday, January 17, 2010

Pinks Western Wear A Working Western Show Shirt?

A working western show shirt? - pinks western wear

Ok, so I bought a chestnut gelding and theres a show 31st January, and I need a show shirt. He shaves what this color, now
I am as happy as the wise green color. (Where it can be shown that 95% of the sorrel blue / turquoise swear, I will not) I'm thin, 13, as she pinned me to the shirt. I want a cleaner instead of a shirt jacket. This could get-http: / / 3DLVI 26itu%%%% 3DUCI 26otn% 3D4% 26ps% 3D63

But that's not too boring and a bit shrill. What are out there? Do you know all Sage Green (), jackets that are on strike? under $ 50?
Something like this
2ed row, far right p; usg = __9mkQFZHbJF515JnlnFGN9XMY93A = & h = 400 & w = 300 & sz = 634 & hl = en & SIG2 = 1 & start = Z5gprLdKkEUge65DoXq4hg um = 1 & tbnid = dQOQUqA4wPmEkM: & tbnh = 124 & tbnw = 93 & prev = / images% 3Fq% 3Dwestern 2Bjackets%% 2Bshow% 26hl% 3Den% 26um% 3D1 & ei = SZdSS8zvGtX8lAfhl5WWCg



♥♥♥English & Western Cowgirl♥♥♥ said...

Your right is a little boring. But not bad. If you think so. It is 150,00 and I cried a to 50.00. Oh well.

Here are a few: ...

Just keep looking on e-bay for something you really like.

Good luck with the shows!

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